Help Children See The Beautiful World As Clearly As They Should

New Vision brings 20/20 vision and a brighter world today and hope for tomorrow to the children of El Salvador by providing free glasses to the under served.


Think Big. Act Bigger.

We Identify

Being a well known and respected doctor in El Salvador, Samuel meets dozens of people every day. He identifies the children who are in need of help. He and his cousin, Marce Santos, see about 25 children at a time, ages 8-16. Sometimes, as many as one-half of them need glasses.

We Test

Parents and guardians bring their children in for eye testing. Samuel's cousin, Marce, determines the appropriate glasses that will help each child’s vision problem.

We Donate

When you donate, we use 100% of your money to help a child see the world anew. Any donation you give could change so much in the life of a child.

We Accomplish

We accomplish so much more when donations are made to New Vision to help us change the lives of children in El Salvador. Putting new glasses on a child is a great accomplishment.


El Salvador is a small tropical country in Central America with a beautiful Pacific coastline. One can walk on the beach, climb to the top of El Boqueròn volcano for a breathtaking view, or marvel at the blue water of Lago de Coatepeque which is fed by hot waters from a volcano, all in one day.


El Salvador is a small tropical country in Central America with a beautiful Pacific coastline. One can walk on the beach, climb to the top of El Boqueròn volcano for a breathtaking view, or marvel at the blue water of Lago de Coatepeque which is fed by hot waters from a volcano, all in one day. Within this country with its magnificent vistas, live people who are also beautiful, gracious, and industrious. However, because of a struggling economy with almost 40% of the people living in poverty, many families find it difficult to provide for their basic needs. It is even more difficult to provide for any special needs their children might have, specifically eye defects. Consequently, eye defects in children might go undetected, and as a result, these children may do poorly in school and be unable to reach their full potential in other areas, even sports. Or, they might simply miss the natural beauty of their world because they cannot see clearly. We represent New Vision Children ES, a non-profit organization based in Jonesboro, Arkansas. With donations from our generous community and beyond, we have purchased glasses for almost 150 children in the last six months. Each pair of glasses costs about $35. We know there are many more children in El Salvador who need our help. Donations we receive will help us achieve our goal: to provide free prescription glasses to every child in El Salvador who cannot afford them.


Active Project


Pairs of Glasses Provided


While June was visiting in El Salvador, she and Samuel had many conversations about varied topics, including wearing glasses. As June thought about her own childhood experience with glasses, she asked how much glasses for children cost in El Salvador. That was the beginning of an inspiration that grew into a reality. June says, “Helping children with vision problems was something we believed we could do together with my raising money in Jonesboro and Samuel taking care of the logistics in El Salvador.” June and Samuel are beyond grateful for the support they have received because the donations are changing the lives of children. Since the beginning in September, almost 150 children have received new glasses. There are many more children who need our help. Because the need is so great, June continues to tell Dr. Samuel’s story and the beginning of New Vision Children ES to local churches, Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs, seeking support for this amazing cause that is transforming the lives of children in El Salvador. When you donate to New Vision Children ES, you are helping to change the life of a child in El Salvador. That is an amazing contribution!


While June was visiting in El Salvador, she and Samuel had many conversations about varied topics, including wearing glasses. As June thought about her own childhood experience with glasses, she asked how much glasses for children cost in El Salvador. That was the beginning of an inspiration that grew into a reality. June says, “Helping children with vision problems was something we believed we could do together with my raising money in Jonesboro and Samuel taking care of the logistics in El Salvador.” June and Samuel are beyond grateful for the support they have received because the donations are changing the lives of children. Since the beginning in September, almost 150 children have received new glasses. There are many more children who need our help. Because the need is so great, June continues to tell Dr. Samuel’s story and the beginning of New Vision Children ES to local churches, Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs, seeking support for this amazing cause that is transforming the lives of children in El Salvador. When you donate to New Vision Children ES, you are helping to change the life of a child in El Salvador. That is an amazing contribution!

Check out pictures of the children being tested and receiving their new glasses.

Dr. Samuel and a group of children wearing their new vision glasses for the very first time.

Children who now have 20/20 vision! 🙂

Dr. Mena checking the eyes of a child.

Children lined up to be fitted for their new frames.

Both parents and children are involved in the process.

The power of providing new vision glasses to these children is paying off. Here is another group who now have 20/20 vision 🙂

Purchase June's Book On Amazon Today! All proceeds from the book go to New Vision Children.

Why El Salvador?

When the paths of June Williams and Dr. Samuel Tejada crossed, they realized that their desire to serve others could be combined into a mission/project that would have a lasting impact. They chose New Vision because it helps the most vulnerable and less fortunate. Giving 20/20 vision to children in El Salvador “changes their lives” according to Dr. Samuel. Doing better in school will be one of the first and most obvious changes.


At New Vision Children ES, we believe that every child deserves the chance to succeed. We believe that eye defects should not hinder the children of El Salvador from achieving their dream of a better life.