We believe eye defects should not be allowed to cloud the bright futures of these precious children.

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New Vision Children ES is the collaborative dream project of June Williams from Jonesboro, AR, and Dr. Samuel Tejada from El Salvador. The two met for the first time when Dr. Samuel enrolled in June’s ESL class to study English, while visiting some family in the Jonesboro area.

June and Samuel soon learned that they shared the same values and ideas about helping “the least of these.” June learned that Samuel is a doctor and a lawyer and one of the most humble and selfless men she has ever met. June heard him ask the same question many times as he tried to master the English language: “What I Can Do?” She has learned that the idea expressed, not the structure of a sentence, can be more important. Their friendship was forged as June tried to help Samuel navigate the immigration maze.

When Samuel returned to El Salvador, June, who keeps up with her students from around the world, knew she would visit Samuel in his country and meet more of his family. In El Salvador, June saw just how invested Dr. Samuel is in his community. He has just enlarged his clinic where eight doctors and support personnel give much needed health care. He started and financially supports the Onda Project that gives medical care to those who cannot afford to pay. He is specifically trying to improve the health care of older people. With the addition of New Vision, Dr. Samuel is helping all ages. It is no wonder that he has the respect of his community because all this is done from a heart that only wants to help and keeps asking: “What I Can Do?”

“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”
Hebrews • 13:2
“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”
Hebrews • 13:2


Dr. Samuel, as he is affectionately known, works tirelessly to bring about a better quality of life for his neighbors as he feeds the hungry and cares for the sick. His Onda Project, unlike anything else, allows patients to see a doctor who cannot afford to pay. Dr. Samuel is known as an entrepreneur in his home city of Ilopango because of his innovative ideas on everything from medicine, education, and clean water. He is a doctor, a lawyer, and is working on his MBA.

Dr. Samuel traveled to Jonesboro, AR, to visit relatives and to study English. It was there where he met June Williams, his ESL instructor, who became his friend and tried to help him navigate through the student Visa process. June saw Samuel as that “angel unawares” stranger in their midst as she learned more about this man with a heart for service. He taught her more about life and accepting one’s circumstances than she taught him about English.

When June visited El Salvador, she found Samuel’s family to be gracious and loving people who embraced her as one of their own. She realized how deep was the respect for Dr. Samuel, not only within his own family but from the community as well.

We Identify

Being a well known and respected doctor in El Salvador, Samuel meets dozens of people every day. He identifies the children who are in need of help. He and his cousin, Marce Santos, see about 25 children at a time, ages 8-16. Sometimes, as many as one-half of them need glasses.

We Test

Parents and guardians bring their children in for eye testing. Samuel's cousin, Marce, determines the appropriate glasses that will help each child’s vision problem.

We Donate

When you donate, we use 100% of your money to help a child see the world anew. Any donation you give could change so much in the life of a child.

We Accomplish

We accomplish so much more when donations are made to New Vision to help us change the lives of children in El Salvador. Putting new glasses on a child is a great accomplishment.

You could be saving a child’s future with your donation today. Help a child see the world anew. It takes less than a minute. To donate, please click the “donate now” button. Put a smile on a child’s face today.

Every donation takes us a step closer to changing a child’s life forever.


At New Vision Children ES, we believe that every child deserves the chance to succeed. We believe that eye defects should not hinder the children of El Salvador from achieving their dream of a better life.